Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Recap of 3months

here i go nowhere land.....searching for something in my mind,in my life,in my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

blogger ini menjadi bagian hidup g buat nguras otak gue yg klo dah kepenuhan.utk saat ini cukup butuh waktu jg buat kepenuhan yah..... its been 3months i dont write anything.

this is a recap of this past 3months.

i moved job again.from the rimau (the one in harmony) to daan mogot again.this one ive become HR....although at first i still searcing to become a good n capable HR..i know i become better :p but srill the trauma coz by experience from working rimau still haunted afraid suddenly the region head or my GM doesnt like without telling me.dont like my personality no coz of my work......
it haunted me like an owl searching for mouse...............
i try to thank for His blessing coz i only jobless for around 2 weeks before i got this job where i become HR,the work that i want to be coz of my background of course n in here i become supervisor...not bad right??although the responsibilty behind it also big....kinda jumping 2 steps of stairs at once.
thats the story of my prof life...

my personal on the other hand....its okay...on sept ona come jkt for her sista wedding....we hung out for couple of times....withthe cav ganks n of course dami n tito. although im in the middle of working so i can be around much.but il ove when we hung out,tell story of our life n around us.laugh togeher....its make life easier at that time before come back to real life.see benny after a long time with his new haircut n colour (ciee yg mau jd famous.......)

my bday on sept 17th is unforgetabble coz the ganks give me book n we can hung out together.anton give me shirts of god inc,the one that i want.luv u hani bani heehehe.........

i think thats it...i try to balance between prof n personal life...coz in prof life i know thats not fully me,bcoz i hev to bcome they leader not their friend.instead i also balance bwtween with my friends n with anton....i need that to recharge myself when i come to office every monday especially.

skarang dah mau brasa bgt deh...g dpt libur 10hr yg kbanyakan g pake buat ngumpul ma anak2 n jalan2 ma anton tanpa hrs kpikiran cepet2 pulang krn bsok kerja heheheheh.....walau tetep sdikit mikirin kantor krn g hrs cek jg satpam yg jaga bener2 ga kmana2.krn kantor g walau libur dr tgl 31 tp ada yg stby utk teknisi dr 31-2nov.blm kantor yg d bks jg hrs d cek....lumayan deh bikin pulsa habis heehehhe.....

tp g seneng bgt buat keh g 3bln ini serta liburan lebaran ini krn banyak karunia dr Tuhan buat g.....g smakin brasa kebaikan dia mengingatkan g akan ssorg yg harus g mulai belajar memaafkan.seperti Dia bilang maafkanlah musuh2mu...itu adl yg terberat....yah....hanya Tuhan yg bisa bantu g buat forgive n forget.

Well itu dulu kalee yah....

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