Saturday, May 21, 2005

one day...............

hello myself,

beberapa hari ini begitu banyak ynag terjadi deh.... one of my friend passed away...when i heard the news , i dont belive it coz it so sudden n i dont even know if he was sick. the truth is dami n ivan kept it from us coz they thought we really be sad if saw jorjhie like that.

when me, ane n nath saw him at carolus...omg he looked so different not like oji that we know... it made us sad n angry coz we cant see him on his last day... we like thinking,,gila yah..temen g sakit keras tp g ga tau apa2 atau bahkan g seneng2 kali kmaren2....

i cant slept well that night...couple of time woke up coz dream that i dont even recall. death dont frighten me but still put a lot of mystery for me...

well now back to reality .... bbrp saat ini krn nath lg jd pengangguran krn dah selesai tinggal ane deh...kit asering jln bareng deh...lumayan deh sebelum pd sibuk2 lagi.. hehehe...

kemaren nonton brg janji nya bodoh bgt tp fave scene g adl liat joni playing drum..w.ah keren bgt soalnya ketahuan bgt nicholas maen beneran tuh...trus liat mariana cute n humble n..inner beauty abis d...

trus kemaren vania nelp usual cav penuh dgn iri 2 an heehhe...pas g cerita ma nath n ane seneng deh denger kabar ibu itu abis sibuk bgt sampae email aja males krn pfull of college work n love work heehhe....

well g dah mo balik neh dr kantor...hope life can be this simple for next week n month..


1 comment:

Nanaanananaaaa said...

10 - 25 Sept vit... kita have fun go mad... woohoo :P