Monday, August 21, 2006

Dear Myself

Hello myself,

where have u been. ive been looking for u. we need to have a deep talk. about ur feelings, ur future, n everything that u really want in the future.
u lose urself easily and think too much. u dont want to let go but also dont want to hold on. u know everything in this world will be gone at some point. u have to realize it and u will be able to face it.

i know it hard sometime. but like the old saying.... time will heal...

why u always fall for the same hole. did u regret the past? we know better than that. we know it wont give us the future. or did u hope for something else. do u want to lose what u have now?

i know its hard but u have to put ur mind together. if u can handle it nomore. talk to me or someone u can depend on. ur not alone u know. u just afraid that if u show ur true feeling, people might judge u differently right.or maybe u will be lost once again.

u are worth it. u have to know that .

well see u later. hope in better condition.